Friday, September 16, 2011

The Office - World Cup Rugby and PVR

Two weeks have passed since the last episode and it has been a hive of activity with productivity levels reaching a new high! well... maybe not a new high but it's been pretty good.

To begin this week we have make mention of the events at the Rugby World Cup, and for those of you who don't know what it is, it is 7 weeks of glorious tackles, tries, jubilation and heartbreak. Firstly, thank the dogs balls that we beat Wales (Go Bokke!) and lets hope we are more convincing against the Fijians tomorrow. Who of you saw the game USA vs. Russia? Well besides being a battle of the minnows, a fight broke out during the game and I couldn't help but notice the air of liberation and relief as they all let go of their Cold War frustrations. Well done guys, well done.

On a more local front, the Officers have been full of the usual stories... lets begin with The Jew.

Besides his usual knee-slappers, the He and his girlfriend are attempting to complete the Fish River Canoe marathon in a couple weeks and he has been very disciplined, he has thought about training every single day, whether he has or hasn't is immaterial. Good Luck Jew, shotgun your car if you don't make it back. It was the Jews moms birthday today and in true Jew style, he made her call him... ya, we know.  

Mr Couta, post-move, has been a noticeably happier man... but also noticeably more late. His punctuality has been a cause for concern, but the Jew pointed out that by leaving later he misses the traffic, thereby using less fuel and in fact saving money. Jew for minister of finance! Currently, Mr Couta is on his way to Mozambique to "work" on his project of sampling couta (fish) although we maintain this cannot be called work. Just can't. 

The Winner saw his rugby season come to an end with a great victory in the knock-out cup final as well as being nominated for player of the year...sadly he did not win the award but he assures us it is about taking part that counts.... we not buying it, we saw him crying. There there big guy...

Finally, the Weatherman...oh the Weatherman. Once again he was "sick" although he claims to have been struck by the infamous "Duzi-Guts" he came back remarkably more tanned upon his return to work. 

But the most exciting part of the week was the making of a short film for the supersport PVR competition. The Officers completed a glorious short piece which will be up for an Academy award later this year. Please go check it out under "WIN" and PVR Competition on the website 

Next week we announce our Spring Hottie of the Month, Miss September and she is a stunner so don't miss it!!

Till next time folks, as always, safety first... then teamwork. 
P.S. We love Spring... ;) 

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Office - Time to get a move on...

The week’s activities including some from last weekend…

The Winner played his penultimate rugby game (of the season 2010 / 11) last weekend, and although no one was fortunate enough to witness the match, he ensures us that he ran in for two tries, and was in the running for man of the match. Needless to say his team won and have advanced to the finals this weekend, no good luck wishes needed….he’s a WINNER already!

The Jew and Weather Man attempted a canoe race on the Umgeni River, accompanied by there DRUNK, but trusty second Mr. Couta. When dropped off there was no time to explain to Mr. Couta how to get to the finish, and he was wished a fond fair well as Jew and Weather Man hit the water….
Turns out Weather Man is not as skilled as the Jew in a canoe. Let’s leave it at that! Jew, with a wet and cold Weather Man in tow managed to limp to the half way point and luckily hitched a ride to the finish, hoping like hell to find Mr. Couta there, AND he was! (no one, not even he, knows how he did it!) What a legend! A fun and eventful day it was!

The week saw the Weather Man off to a conference (with his surf board on his car mind you) at Port Edward. Yet again there is know way of know his exact where abouts!? However, at said conference he met is idol and childhood hero...Simon Gear! So struck by awe, he was unable to converse with Simon but says it was the single bets moment in his life. 

The Jew did some form of work. He is unable to explain exactly what though! And has been complaining endlessly about the windy conditions, it seems he is always cycling into a storm on his daily cycle home (you not saving that much on petrol my Jewish friend!) he and the Winner also attended the SEXPO and great fun was had by all, as the food and wine was excellent.. and so were the 18 inch double-sided didlo's on offer.. 

And Winner has almost completed the corrections to a chapter of his thesis (do less, seriously do less!)

Today (Friday), is a big day for Mr. Couta and the Weather Man who have both relocated (and seem very happy with there moves!)

Weather Man was finally able to break the restraints of living with his girlfriend and has moved into a large luxurious house in Durban North (excuse you!), with the boys. We look forward to a few good pool parties there!

Mr. Couta has moved into a garden flat, next door to his future ex-wife! Who we are told has a large “herb” garden growing. We wish him luck! Don’t let the smoke cloud your good judgment my friend! And hopefully we will crack the nod to a braai some time soon!

Last but not least, the Rugby World Cup is 7 days away now, and after that resounding send off that the Boks were given in Joburg you can't help but grow a belief that the boys can do it!! So from the Office...and the other 49,999,996 people in RSA, we right being you guys... bring it home!!

Happy spring to all! And let the good times roll!