Friday, August 19, 2011

The Office - Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner... and Man stuff.

The last two weeks have been tumultuous (I know, big word for a Friday) to say the least and we are just glad we all made it out alive!

Two weekends ago, Mr Couta and The Jew went camping with friends in order to take part in a trail run outside Durban. Now if you have ever been camping and made use of a camp site, that there is always "that" group of people in the camp site. Well, our Officers were part of said group. Not only did they manage to get plastered the night before running 21km, but they also managed to ensure everyone else stayed up to enjoy their festivities. It did, however, turn out to be a successful run for The Jew and Mr Couta as they both ran superbly... real athletes can push themselves into all sorts of situations. 

This past weekend, The Winner struck gold... in two moments of sheer brilliance he was able to win, not only, 2 tickets to the Springbok Test, but then 10 tickets to the Playboy party after the test. Needless to say, fun was had by all and even though the Bokke lost, I am still 100% behind the Bokke for the Rugby World Cup which is in exactly 21 days time!Keen!

The Officers next mission is to win a competition on Supersport whereby you have to say why you love PVR...and we have an ingenious idea (we can't tell you yet ;) ). On that note, besides the many advantages to PVR, one stands out amongst the rest: PAUSE. Every man (and some women) has used this function in order to admire those 'close-ups' and that in itself has made sporting events such as Wimbledon that little bit better... ;) We plan on submitting before the end of the month and will let you all know how we do.

On Wednesday morning, The Weatherman was out having a paddle on the Umgeni River when he noticed a bird splashing in the water, obviously in distress. As he paddled closer he saw that it needed saving. As he wasn't too stable on his boat he accidentely dunked the poor little bird with his paddle while trying to lift it out. Nevertheless he managed to rescue the little swift, who after sleeping it off in our office, eventually flew out. 

It was decided that, after this story, in this episode we should address the lack of "Man" moments occurring on a day-to-day basis. Here we have made suggestions to remedy this:

1. Manners maketh a man - This phrase still applies and most women, still enjoy the door being opened for them. So don't be a knob, be a man.

2. Listen - While none of the Officers profess to be the best at this particular task, it has been found to work in the past. When females talk, between the babble about a new handbag and some special on perfume, they will provide you with information that may make, or break, your chances.


4. Real men don't wear skinny jeans. Period.

5. Speedo's - Every man should own one, whether you were a lifesaver or a swimmer at the primary school gala, keep it. 

6. Castle Lite - A drink for Metro's the world over, and people from Joburg. Either you need to go for a run or be proud of your scoop. 

7. Fire - Real men need to know how to start a fire without Blitz... yes, even Joburg guys. Chances are they'll be out of electricity before we will.

8. Men do NOT wear make-up. EVER. (Except for dress up parties. And that time you were in the school play)

9. Dogs - Unless its a Jack Russell, real men do not own a dog with a shoulder height of less than 50cm.

10. DIY - If you don't know how to do it, pretend you do. (And call another man to come and help. A beer and some brainstorming always gets the job done)

Now, go into the world and take back your Man-ness...

We leave you with that folks and as always, remember, safety first then teamwork. 

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