Monday, August 15, 2011

Hottie of the Month

After the inaugural Hottie of the Month, Miss Yolandi Malherbe, made such a splash it was only fair to follow on with another stunner. 

This gorgeous woman has not only graced the cover of Cosmopolitan, been the face of Guess, and posed for Maxim, but she has also featured in the Playboy (the US edition). A local girl with loads of 'gees' there can only be one, and some say she is it. Please enter stage left...

Miss Candice Boucher

Firstly Cands, thank you so much for answering a few questions for us and agreeing to be our August-Hottie of the month! We are all huge fans and love the fact that you also enjoy the outdoors ;)

Lets get to those all important questions from our Officers...First up, The Jew.

The Jew asked: Do you own a bicycle? If so, how often do you ride it?
Candice: I don't own a bicycle. LOL!! I only recently learned how to ride one on a shoot. ON THE BEACH of all places. 

We can only imagine the strain those legs must have taken on the beach, but we do encourage physical activity. 

Mr Couta asked: Have you ever been deep-sea fishing? How deep was it?
Candice: No deep sea fishing. But still waiting for an opportunity

Should you ever visit the golden sands of Durban, we would be happy to take you out... and maybe do some fishing to ;)

The Weatherman asked: With our recent inclement weather, have you ever built a snow man? If so, what was used as the nose? 

Candice: I built a snowman years ago in mooiriver once on the side of the road. Mmmm think 
we used a stick we found. 

Mooiriver, can't say any of us have been but we sure will be glad to bump into you, or a snowman, with a stick... hahaha.. 

The Winner asked: The modelling industry seems competitive, have you ever lost a fight?

Candice: LOL!!! I am slowly building up my strength in the gym, I haven't lost a fight just yet only as I haven't been involved in one.. I am waiting for my day. I do however have a sharp tongue when I choose to.

We love the confidence and agree that baseline strength & fitness are the keys to success... well that and good right hook :)

Miss Boucher, it has been a pleasure! Please stop by any time for fishing, diving or anything really! We wish you the best for the rest of the year and may the force be with you... and your sharp tongue ;) 

There you are guys, hope that made your Monday a little less blue!  From us in the Office, have a smashing week and remember, safety first... then teamwork.

P.S. Don't stare... ;) 

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