Friday, August 5, 2011

The Office - Rands and sense

It is often said that taking care of the cents will result in the Rands taking care of themselves. This was not the case for our intrepid young officers. 

The Weatherman planned a trip to Mozambique for this long weekend and invited The Jew to come along, as one does. The Jew asked if Weatherman could send him a cost breakdown when he had one ready. Needless to say when Thursday arrived, The Jew found himself abandoned and in fact excluded from the plans to go to Mozambique. There is still tension between the two.

They've taken the clothes off Mr Couta's back

Mr Couta has taken the minimalist approach in eating relatively cheap meals but then considered moving to a house so far away from work that he would have to leave an hour earlier than he does now as well as spend a fortune on petrol. The Jew suggested he get a bicycle.

The Winner hard at "work"

Winner had a quiet week in which he consolidated his effort at work and resumed his rigorous training regime. Needless to say, after taking his Scooter for a service he is back to pasta and baked beans for the month. The Jew suggested he get a bicycle. 

The Jew and his bicycle

During a tea time break, The Jew suggested we all stop spending R5 coins and keep them in a jar... the three officers swiftly stood up and left the Jew to think about what he had done.

The National Science Week Emblem and an hairy angler fish

The Weatherman, Winner and the Jew all gave presentations during National Science Week which took place this week. As the Weatherman isn't really a scientist he gave a "Life Talk", The Jew made little kids touch prawns, and The Winner handed out shark teeth to promote self-defense at a young age. On a serious note though, so many bright young minds were present and it is promising for the future of Science in our country.

That's all for this week but as an added extra, for all of you in need of some advice for the long weekend we give to you the 7 P's:

Preparation and

Have a super weekend and remember folks, safety first... then teamwork.

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