Friday, July 29, 2011

The Office - It rained and rained and rained (Winnie The Poo, 1991)

Well yes, it has rained a lot this week in Durban, but the humour in the office was not dampened one bit!
 Top: Weatherman, Mr Couta and the Winner
Below: The Weatherman and his new ride

Last week Friday… Winner and Weather Man took a tour of the snorkel lagoon at UShaka Marine World, the weather was less than ideal, but Mr. Couta was kind enough to give them a personal tour of his natural world! Jew was probably just hanging around some where being Jewish!? 

Special congratulations go out to The Winner and his Rovers team mates for winning their rugby league. *golf clap* 

 Weatherman playing bubbles
Monday (it started raining)
Work has been slow in and around the office, largely due to the weather. Officers have had to find other ways of entertaining themselves, with out ability to take long tea breaks in the sun. Computer games such as Bubbles, Mini Golf and Bang Bang #2 have risen in popularity within the office.

Tuesday / Wednesday (it was still raining), but Weather Man and Couta managed to squeeze in a lunch break surf… More of a run than a surf but we won’t judge. Mr. Couta, taking a leaf from Jew’s book gave him self a hair cut, its looks awesome from the front….

Mr Couta as Conan the Barbarian
By this time the cabin fever was starting to set in! Personal attacks had reached a new level and the High Scores in the gaming world were going through the roof! (Set foremost by the Jew) Mr Couta was quoted during a verbal clash as saying: “F**k me, no, f**k you Pal.” Things settled down quickly after that, no one fights with Mr Couta.

Thursday was the day Weather Man would rather want to forget, as his two day forecast went pear shaped when yet again “that wind and rain came out of no where, no one on earth could have predicted that….damn you WindGuru!” We suggested he contact Rob van Dam at eNews.
 Happy Birthday Gandolph
Today, a special day, not because it’s raining again, but because a dolphin is celebrating his 40th year on his long (very long) swim to freedom. One day buddy one day! Other than that, no work has taken place at all, it’s been glorious!

We hope you all enjoyed the inaugural Hottie of The Month!

The Jew’s three rules to live by (he considerers them more guide lines, BUT LIVE BY THEM!)
1)      Don’t stress, it’ll kill you
2)      Never, EVER, bet your bottom dollar, you never know when you may need extra cash
3)      Waste not, want not

So till next time folks, and especially in this inclement weather, safety first... then teamwork!

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