Friday, June 10, 2011

The Office - Life Choices

It’s a rainy Friday in Durban and things in The Office are going well, some say very well! The week has been filled with fun, excitement, many a personal attack on fellow Officers, and one or two of us have even managed to get some work done in between all the action (not really).

MONDAY... was a Monday and doesn’t even deserve a mention.

TUESDAY was great…
·        The Jew (in an attempt to save money) began cycling to work, which he claimed was a great success and has planned to do more often.
·        Mr Couta bought a fishing ski, that’s right he might stand a chance of actually catching one now.

WEDNESDAY was team bunny day. All (except Mr Couta, who has no money for the month due to his purchase) enjoyed a bean bunny from Omas canteen.Its good....real good! R10 for a delicious bunny!! Deals like these are like finding R100 in your washed pants.. 

THURSDAY was the day The Weather man wore hair gel (that’s right, hair gel!) He claims that it was because he knew the south wester was going to be pumping (wind guru) and didn’t want to have a bad hair day, but Winner soon corrected him and brought to light his underlying metro tendencies.

AH…FRIDAY is today, and what a great day! Winner and Mr Couta managed to get into some line-fish meeting (they both know nothing about) and scored free lunch and tea time eats. They also wasted the entire day, as I assure you they learnt nothing! The Jew did his second favorite thing, dissecting prawns (also a wasted day, good job!) and The Weather Man had The Office to himself, guess what he did…..the winner gets a FREE BlackBerry, oh ja!

So all in all I guess you could say it was a pretty successful week, little was achieved, but a great time was had by all, and in the end that’s what counts!

Till next time….. Safety first, then team work! 

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