Friday, June 3, 2011

The Office - Pilot Episode

The Office - Pilot Episode

The Place: An office of four master’s students, each in search of glory and the perfect means to do nothing and get paid for it.

The People:

Stu – Masters in environmental economics a.k.a. The Weather Man

He describes himself as an integral part of the office structure and management thereof. His homepage is WindGuru and has an uncanny ability to look busy.
Personal Quote: “Have you seen the waves today?”

Brendon – Masters in fisheries science a.k.a. Mr Couta (self-proclaimed)

Although he has never caught a couta (it’s a fish), he aspires to capture this elusive creature. He enjoys News24 (only the comments) and talking about couta.
Personal Quote: ”Have you seen News24?”

James – Masters in fisheries science a.k.a. Robenstein or, The Jew

His ability to dissect prawns is only surpassed by his unparalleled abilities to accomplish nothing. He enjoys Free – Cell and the greatest game on earth, Bubbles.
Personal Quote: ”Relax, it’s a Firday night” (applicable at any time)

Alan – Masters in fisheries science a.k.a. The "Winner"

He has personally handled two shark species in the wild (unsupervised) and he knows stuff (that he learnt off the internet). When he’s not at the gym, Alan enjoys eating and strolling the office corridors.
Personal Quote: “Hello, you welsh?!” (ofcourse you are)

 This series will not only take procrastination to a new level, but it will open your eyes to what can and does go on in the world of science (and other stuff). 

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