Friday, July 22, 2011

The Office - Not everything that is sweet, is apple pie

Many a life lesson was learnt this week in the Office. It all began with the Jew playing with hot wax. It was in fact for his masters but needless to say, whilst performing the intricate procedure of setting organic matter in wax, someone shouted from the back “Don’t put it there, it’ll stick”. Needless to say, the Jew found wax in places that no man should (bar Ricky Martin).

Getting tarred with the same brush… Mr Couta learnt this valuable lesson when Faggel tried to make him pay for a fishing rod that Faggel had broken when Mr Couta was in the vicinity. Tut tut Faggel… Tut tut.

The Weatherman, while reliving his youth by surfing every morning this week, discovered that life is better together (Thanks Jack). While in between houses, the Weatherman has moved in with his girlfriend and has settled in quite well. We believe the reluctance to move is well founded when you don’t have to cook or clean.

If you can’t catch ‘em, eat ‘em. This was the approach Mr Couta used when he failed to capture his first Couta. Sometimes it’s just easier to go with the flow Mr Couta.

Kids have more fun! The Winner was the personification of this phrase as he and his friends frolicked in the water park and snorkel lagoon during his lunch break. After the break the Winner was quoted as saying “It’s the little things gents, the little things” which was swiftly followed by a statement regarding a female and her breasts. Maybe not always the little things big guy…
The Winner and friends...

The weekend promises to provide entertainment for all as the Jew and Mr Couta partake in a trail run, while the Winner will play rugby and a festive game of golf and the Weatherman will probably enjoy an early night with red wine and cuddles with his wife *cough* I mean girlfriend…
The Weatherman...

So until next time folks, remember, Safety first…then teamwork!

Coming next week: The Weatherman bends the rules and the Jew provides 3 rules to live by. Don’t miss it J

AND Wednesday Special: Hottie to watch (One girl who we think deserves all your attention and a drink if you see her out)

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