Friday, July 15, 2011

The Office - Confucius Say

FIRSTLY, let me apologize for the delay in transmission on behalf of all of us. Now back to The Office...

The last 3 weeks has been filled with much drama, delight and delirium. Here below is a pic from our walk around the dolphinarium... yes it really is called that. While on tour the Weatherman was tasked with taking pictures...hence his absence from the pic below.
 Left to Right: The Jew, Faggel, The Winner and Mr Couta
Frodo the dolphin :)

Confucius say: He who go to Grahamstown festival, will get sick. This was true for The Weatherman, who after travelling back to his homestead, subsequently contracted the black lung. This was confirmed when calling him at home, from the office, and asking if he was ok. His response was: "Ja.. *cough*.. I should be back in two days *cough*" his recovery is being monitored carefully by his girlfriend.

Meanwhile, The Jew and Mr Couta attended the Durban July. Confucius say: Man who lose wallet, find beer.Much fun was had by all, to the extent where The Jew had his wallet stolen but managed to return home with more beer than he went with. On Monday, after calling lost and found, he was able to collect all his cards. Jew said "Ah, that was an Uzzi wallet" (like those are expensive??) 

Confucius say: Man with two birds, has one stone. Mr Couta was in such high spirits on Sunday we had to enquire as to why. His answer "I woke up in between 2 girls" This was met with a golf clap (2 fingers to the opposite palm) and "Jolly good show old boy".

The Winner enjoyed a sojourn home where he attended the 21st of his little sister. Confucius say: Man who find oil, strike gold. This was however, found to be false. As Winner realized that scented oil on his upper body resulted in an irritated skin and lack of female attention. Fail.

The moral of all these stories is this: Waste not, want not. So...till next time folks, remember: safety first... then team work. 

PREVIEW for next episode: The Jew gets messy with hot wax and could Mr Couta have caught his first Couta (King mackerel)... tune in next week to find out ;)

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